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Courses tagged with "AGH"

Arctic Winter School is an introductory course for students from different academic fields and from all UniversEH partner universities that gives insight into the interdisciplinary fields of Arctic space, environment and culture:

  • Environment and society in the changing Arctic. The Arctic Five collaboration.
  • Polar atmosphere and its significance for solar-terrestrial interactions, space weather.
  • Auroral physics and observations.
  • Optical phenomena in the polar regions.
  • Snow and ice in different perspectives.
  • Arctic climate systems and climate change.
  •  Nano satellites and balloons for polar research.
  • Product innovation for Arctic space.
  • Terminology for New Space and polar research, linguistic aspect of intercultural communication.
  • Survival in the cold environment. 
The 1st week of the School is taking place at Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna Space Campus and includes lectures and workshops. During the week in Kiruna there will be study visits to Esrange Space Center, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) and EISCAT Scientific Association. The week will also include study visits to Abisko Scientific Research Station, LKAB iron ore mine, ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. There will be both cultural and social activities.

The learning outcomes are assessed through assignments, workshops and project.

Category: 2024-25
Arctic Winter School is an introductory course for students from different academic fields and from all UniversEH partner universities that gives insight into the interdisciplinary fields of Arctic space, environment and culture:

  • Environment and society in the changing Arctic. The Arctic Five collaboration.
  • Polar atmosphere and its significance for solar-terrestrial interactions, space weather.
  • Auroral physics and observations.
  • Optical phenomena in the polar regions.
  • Snow and ice in different perspectives.
  • Arctic climate systems and climate change.
  •  Nano satellites and balloons for polar research.
  • Product innovation for Arctic space.
  • Terminology for New Space and polar research, linguistic aspect of intercultural communication.
  • Survival in the cold environment. 
The 1st week of the School is taking place at Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna Space Campus and includes lectures and workshops. During the week in Kiruna there will be study visits to Esrange Space Center, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) and EISCAT Scientific Association. The week will also include study visits to Abisko Scientific Research Station, LKAB iron ore mine, ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. There will be both cultural and social activities.

The learning outcomes are assessed through assignments, workshops and project.

Category: 2024-25

Mechatronic space structures require particular solutions in terms of their efficiency, robustness and precision for equipment which is required to operate for several decades without maintenance. In this context the piezoelectric technology associated with particular material properties can bring multidomain solutions for actuation, mechanical insulation, or energy harvesting. New opportunities in terms of dynamical mechanical response are brought by elastic metamaterials.

Metamaterials are a new class of materials that exhibit extraordinary properties. In the context of dynamics, they can display negative effective mass and/or stiffness, extending the classical design space of engineering materials. Therefore, they can be very attractive for designing high-performance multipurpose devices.

In this course students will learn about applications of elastic metamaterials for various mechatronic space devices, in particular energy harvesters, actuators, sensors and electro-mechanical transformers; and how metamaterials can be designed and used for substantially improving dynamic properties of these systems. students will have an opportunity to design a device - from theoretical principles to simulations - prototyping it and performing its physical electro-mechanical testing.

The course is composed of 8 classes in which we present the necessary theoretical and practical background, followed by a 4-class students’ project oriented on designing, assembling and testing a prototypical device. Finally, students are involved in an industry-level project supported and supervised by top-class experts from the space sector.

Category: 2024-25

​​This is a multidisciplinary course. Students will explore the world of Space, while improving their professional English for their future studies and employment opportunities. Participants will also understand terminologies and concepts for fields relevant to the space sector as part of the UNIVERSEH programme (e.g. "space, earth, natural sciences, medicine, humanities") and contribute to the development of an illustrated Dictionary of Space Concepts that we are developing in cooperation with the Computer Linguistics Dept. There will be many opportunities to practice different text styles, such as interviewing, biographical notes, reports, and reflection writing. As an online course, digital media are endemic to the classroom environment, and the synchronous meetings will be supplemented with asynchronous tasks that will help students prepare for class and apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Continuous cooperation, peer review, video creation, and illustrations for the DSC, will result in a tangible product at the end of the term.

Category: 2024-25

​​This is a multidisciplinary course. Students will explore the world of Space, while improving their professional English for their future studies and employment opportunities. Participants will also understand terminologies and concepts for fields relevant to the space sector as part of the UNIVERSEH programme (e.g. "space, earth, natural sciences, medicine, humanities") and contribute to the development of an illustrated Dictionary of Space Concepts that we are developing in cooperation with the Computer Linguistics Dept. There will be many opportunities to practice different text styles, such as interviewing, biographical notes, reports, and reflection writing. As an online course, digital media are endemic to the classroom environment, and the synchronous meetings will be supplemented with asynchronous tasks that will help students prepare for class and apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Continuous cooperation, peer review, video creation, and illustrations for the DSC, will result in a tangible product at the end of the term.

Category: 2024-25

This introduction to Spatial Medicine is designed for non-specialists and will offer an introduction to the space environment. It will subsequently provide an insight on space physiology and medicine, considering the impact of space flights on health and the associated adaptations and modifications of the human body (metabolism, bone and muscles, sleep, cells and molecules...). It will also give an overview of the different types of risks for health existing in Space environments and on possible solutions to monitor and solve a health problem during space flights (use of medication, oral biology...). The different models for ground simulation of spaceflight effects will also be presented. Finally, it will help students to better understand the link between Space, Medicine technology and cognitive sciences. Thanks to an introduction to space applications for health on Earth, the students will be involved in practical cases on how to collect health data in spaceflights and simulation experiments.

The course level and contents will be adapted according to the existing programmes in which it will be integrated (most probably Bachelor last year/Master 1 level) but a scientific background is needed. The idea is to offer this introductory course to future engineers or entrepreneurs who will work on space applications linked to Health and Medicine and who will need a global overview combining basic knowledge of medicine and of the major issues/challenges regarding Health and Space.

Category: 2024-25

It’s hard to imagine long-lasting manned space missions without personalized healthcare provided onboard, and it is hard to imagine modern space healthcare without engineering and technology. In this course students will get an overview of current trends and challenges in medical technology for space. The course focuses on the technologies which are currently in use and on technologies which might make long-term space-flights possible in the near future. All the aspects are presented both in a general and a specific manner through several practical scenarios.

Category: 2024-25

The language focus of this trilingual course will be decided at the beginning of the course and depends on the course participants. It will be co-taught by French and English native speakers, who are multilingual language teachers and fluent in German. We will include activities that develop the reading comprehension and speaking in particular. The topics we will explore are all space related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation...). Participants will thus familiarise themselves with a transdisciplinary approach by dealing with themes that hardly ever appear within their respective curricula. Unlike a traditional language course, this course does not focus on the systematic acquisition of grammar but aims to highlight the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants' language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness.

Category: 2024-25

The language focus of this trilingual course will be decided at the beginning of the course and depends on the course participants. It will be co-taught by French and English native speakers, who are multilingual language teachers and fluent in German. We will include activities that develop the reading comprehension and speaking in particular. The topics we will explore are all space related (cooperation vs. space race, demographics of the space industry, space and sustainability, environmental aspects, innovation...). Participants will thus familiarise themselves with a transdisciplinary approach by dealing with themes that hardly ever appear within their respective curricula. Unlike a traditional language course, this course does not focus on the systematic acquisition of grammar but aims to highlight the parallels that can exist between different languages in order to improve the participants' language learning strategies and foster the emergence of a translanguaging awareness.

Category: 2024-25

Is life a consciousness of the universe or just a thermodynamically egoistic rebel?

Join the course, get inspired and speak up you own concept!

The main aim of the course is to broaden the horizons of cognition in terms of understanding life processes, concepts of the presence of life in the Universe and more broadly the scientific approach in general. Hard knowledge on the current and historical concepts on the evolution of life, origin of life, methodology of investigating early life processes as well as principles of metabolism, extreme microbial environments, new technology concepts of microbial applications in Space colonization will be presented.

Category: 2023-24

The course presents phenomena related to ice and snow, in the atmosphere and on the ground. It covers Earth and also other planetary bodies such as Mars, where both water and carbon dioxide ice exist. The course will start with the physical foundations in terms of phase diagrams, equations of state and ice lattice structures and finish with the environmental effects of ice on Earth, and how life, humans and ice interact. 2 practical projects will consist of field observations of snow and ice, including their structure and properties. Another practical will enable students to compare water and carbon dioxide ice. In a group project the students will put isotope data of terrestrial ice cores into the context of climate change.

The practical project will consist of snow sampling near Kiruna (Swedish Lapland) at a selection of field sites throughout the course, evaporating the water and analysing the refractory residue using AGH laboratories (Poland). Interpretation and analysis in the context of climate change will be provided. The results will be archived across academic years, giving future cohorts of students access to more time-resolved data.

Category: 2023-24

Mechatronic space structures require particular solutions in terms of their efficiency, robustness and precision for equipment which is required to operate for several decades without maintenance. In this context the piezoelectric technology associated with particular material properties can bring multidomain solutions for actuation, mechanical insulation, or energy harvesting. New opportunities in terms of dynamical mechanical response are brought by elastic metamaterials.

Metamaterials are a new class of materials that exhibit extraordinary properties. In the context of dynamics, they can display negative effective mass and/or stiffness, extending the classical design space of engineering materials. Therefore, they can be very attractive for designing high-performance multipurpose devices.

In this course students will learn about applications of elastic metamaterials for various mechatronic space devices, in particular energy harvesters, actuators, sensors and electro-mechanical transformers; and how metamaterials can be designed and used for substantially improving dynamic properties of these systems. students will have an opportunity to design a device - from theoretical principles to simulations - prototyping it and performing its physical electro-mechanical testing.

The course is composed of 8 classes in which we present the necessary theoretical and practical background, followed by a 4-class students’ project oriented on designing, assembling and testing a prototypical device. Finally, students are involved in an industry-level project supported and supervised by top-class experts from the space sector.