(Zuletzt bearbeitet: Montag, 28. August 2023, 12:33)
Media Zenith & Nadir, DJ Jeffery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2003.
Short Definition Zenith is a point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer. The zenith is diametrically opposite to the nadir.
Detailed Definition Zenith is determined by the direction of the gravitational force at particular point on Earth. Typically, the term implies astronomical zenith, that is, the point at which the imaginary line drawn from the geometrical centre of the Earth through the observer intersects with the celestial sphere. The angular distance from zenith is called the zenith distance of the celestial body. The zenith and the nadir form two poles of the horizon.
Etymology From Medieval Latin cenit, from Arabic samt (ar-ra's)“path (over the head)”
Sample Sentences
Glowing with astral turquoise, the comet dashingly passed zenith and started decelerating as it was approaching the horizon.
Translations of Terms/Concepts into Partner Languages
le zénith
der Zenit
lo zenit
Additional Translations of Terms/Concepts into Other Languages
Russian зенит
Ukrainian зенiт
Links to Videos/Articles:
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Zenith | astronomy. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved [ 06.14.2023 ], from https://www.britannica.com/science/zenith-astronomy
Zenith | COSMOS. (n.d.). Retrieved [ 06.20.2023 ], from https://astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/z/Zenith