(Zuletzt bearbeitet: Freitag, 1. September 2023, 12:45)
Source: Midjourney (2023, May 24). AI illustration of microorganisms on ore. midjourney. midjourney.com
Short Definition:
A process involving the extraction of a resource using biological tools. For example, with bacteria or algea.
Detailed Definition:
Biomining is an environmentally friendly and energy efficient way of extracting useful elements by using microbes to break down rocks to make soil or provide nutrients. Microbes are tiny organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that have a wide variety of functions. Some microbes have abilities that could be beneficial to humans, such as biomining.
Bio: From Ancient Greekβίο- (bo-), combining form and stem of βίος (bíos, “life”). Mining: Any activity that extracts or unearths minerals.
Sample Sentence:
You can use biomining to extract minerals from asteroids using bacteria or fungi."